Attention :
Priority based budget reductions: The district shared the priority based budget reduction information with families on March 5. You can read the message and view the priority budget reduction recommendations here.
The district has also published an FAQ. This document will be updated as needed.
A community meeting for public input on the recommended reductions will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2025, from 6-8:30 pm, in the Northfield Middle School auditorium. Please note the date change; this meeting was initially scheduled for March 11.
Displaying 1-25 out of 225 results. « Prev | Next »
Hannah Ames English/Language Arts/French Teacher
- Direct: 507.664.3396
- Northfield High School
- 507.663.0630
Danielle Amundson Grade 2 Companeros Teacher
- Direct: 507.649.3573
- Greenvale Park Elementary
- 507.645.3500
Madison Anderson Art Teacher
- Direct: 507.645.3424
- Northfield High School
- 507.663.0630
- Area Learning Center
- 507.645.1201
Thomas Austin Industrial Technology Teacher
- Direct: 507.645.3428
- Northfield High School
- 507.663.0630
Michelle Bauer K-12 Systems and Instructional Coach
- Direct: 507.366.7141
- District Office
- 507.663.0600
Theresa Bauman Reading Coach and Math Corps Coach
- Direct: 507.414.8780
- Spring Creek Elementary
- 507.645.3470
Tallie Berkvam-Peter Kindergarten Teacher
- Direct: 507.649.3591
- Spring Creek Elementary
- 507.645.3470
Kiwi Bielenberg Physical Education/ADAPE Teacher
- Direct: 507.645.3465
- Spring Creek Elementary
- 507.645.3470
- Northfield Community Education Center
- 507.664.3649
Stefanie Bothun Band Teacher
- Direct: 507.664.3320
- Bridgewater Elementary
- 507.664.3300
- Greenvale Park Elementary
- 507.645.3500
- Spring Creek Elementary
- 507.645.3470
Displaying 1-25 out of 225 results. « Prev | Next »