Today’s update includes vital information about the school district’s budget process, our PLC gallery walk, and the implementation of the Crisis Go app.
Attention :
Priority based budget reductions: The district shared the priority based budget reduction information with families on March 5. You can read the message and view the priority budget reduction recommendations here.
The district has also published an FAQ. This document will be updated as needed.
A community meeting for public input on the recommended reductions will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2025, from 6-8:30 pm, in the Northfield Middle School auditorium. Please note the date change; this meeting was initially scheduled for March 11.
Archive: For Parents & Students
Important information about social media post | Feb. 14, 2023
This post includes a message that was sent to district families on Feb. 14, 2023.
2022-23 District Family Update No. 17 | Feb. 8, 2023
This updates includes a message to Northfield High School families about a social media concern.
2022-23 District Family Update No. 16 | Jan. 30, 2023
This update includes information about K-8 mid-year academic benchmarks, Black history month, winter weather and decision-making, paraprofessional recognition week, and a board update.
2022-23 District Family Update No. 15 | Jan. 16, 2023
This update includes information about celebrating Dr. King's legacy, family engagement “pulse” survey results, winter benchmark testing, and a board update.
2022-23 District Family Update No. 14 | Jan. 10, 2023
The Board of Education appointed Robert Coleman as the temporary replacement for Noel Stratmoen at their regular meeting on Jan. 9, 2023. This post gives information about the board's appointment process.
2022-23 District Family Update No. 13 | Jan. 6, 2023
🚨 First responder training at NMS on Saturday, Jan. 7, 2023 🚨 This message is about a first responder training event at Northfield Middle School (NMS) on Jan. 7, 2023. The district doesn't want parents to be alarmed if they see many first responder vehicles at NMS.
2022-23 District Family Update No. 12 | Jan. 3, 2023
❄️ e-Learning Days begin with the next full-day closure ❄️ This message includes an update about the district using e-Learning days beginning with the next full-day closure.
2022-23 District Family Update No. 11 | Dec. 20, 2022
This update includes information about the district's strategic plan dashboard, our career technical education advisory task force, an update about the board's decision about the Northfield High School facility improvement plan, a reminder about the temporary resignation of one of our school board members, and a board update.
2022-23 District Family Update No. 10 | Dec. 13, 2022
This update provides a reminder about our family engagement “pulse” survey and shares news about a temporary resignation from our school board. It also includes information for people interested in filling the temporary board position.