Welcome to the Finance Department Forms Portal. We appreciate you downloading the most recent version of our forms! If you have any questions regarding which form to use, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our staff.
Finance Department Forms
Payroll Claim Form – Use this form for additional one time stipend requests or temporary assignments
Group Payroll Claim Form – Use this form to pay a group of staff for attending a meeting or training
2024-25 Payroll Calendar – This calendar provides the dates of each paycheck, which time sheet periods are covered and the deadlines for time sheet approval
W-4 – Please complete this form to change your federal tax withholding. Please note as of 1/1/20 this form has been revised significantly.
MN W-4 – Please complete this form to change your state tax withholding.
Direct Deposit Form– Please complete this form to change or add a bank account to your direct deposit.
403b Form – Use this form to allocate part of your salary into a retirement 403(b) account and if applicable request the district match in your employment agreement.
403(b) Advisor Contacts – This is the list of advisors that are available to manage 403(b) accounts for our staff. When starting a 403(b) account, please first choose your advisor and contact them to open your account. Then after the account has been opened you can return the 403(b) enrollment form to the payroll office.
403b Transaction Kit – Use the forms in this kit for all 403(b) account withdrawals, rollovers, loans, transfers, exchanges, and distributions. Please use the information provided in the transaction kit to return these documents to Aviben, not the district office. These forms can also be completed and submitted online on the Aviben website.
Accounts Payable
Expense Reimbursement Form (updated 1/27/25) – Please complete this form if you need to be reimbursed for travel to a conference or other expenditures that a purchase order wasn’t accepted
Mileage Reimbursement Form (updated 1/27/25) – Please complete this form if you are regularly traveling between buildings or on behalf of the District
Contracted Service Form – Please complete this form to make a payment to an independent contractor (non-employee) for services provided to our District
Account Code Correction – Please complete this form to change an incorrect account on a transaction
P-Card Manual – Reference guide for staff utilizing a p-card
Deposit Form (Excel)– Please complete this form when collecting cash or check for any purpose. The detail is required. Please consider having an option for families to pay online to reduce your record keeping responsibility.
Class or Field Trip Deposit Form – Class or Field Trip – Please complete this form when collecting funds for a field trip or class fees.
Monthly Courier Deposit Form – Please use this form to document the deposit bags provided to the courier. This form should be submitted to the Finance Department at the end of the month.
Add an online payment – Please complete this online Google form to request an item be added to RevTrak. This could be supply fees, field trip fees, fundraisers etc