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Attention :

Priority based budget reductions: The district shared the priority based budget reduction information with families on March 5. You can read the message and view the priority budget reduction recommendations here.

The district has also published an FAQ. This document will be updated as needed.

A community meeting for public input on the recommended reductions will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2025, from 6-8:30 pm, in the Northfield Middle School auditorium. Please note the date change; this meeting was initially scheduled for March 11.

New Greenvale Park artist rendition

Construction Updates

Stay informed and find out how you can get involved.

Local Contractor Event Held

April 10, 2019

Northfield Public Schools, Knutson Construction, and Wold Architects and Engineers held an event for local contractors on April 9, 2019.

Northfield Public Schools, Knutson Construction, and Wold Architects and Engineers held an event for local contractors on April 9, 2019. The event, led by Knutson Construction’s Josh Cooper, drew…

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Share Your Feedback

January 18, 2019

We want as much feedback as possible to make the District’s upcoming construction projects successful. You can provide input electronically. Submissions are limited to approximately 300 words, and you…

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