Attention :
Priority based budget reductions: The district shared the priority based budget reduction information with families on March 5. You can read the message and view the priority budget reduction recommendations here.
The district has also published an FAQ. This document will be updated as needed.
A community meeting for public input on the recommended reductions will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2025, from 6-8:30 pm, in the Northfield Middle School auditorium. Please note the date change; this meeting was initially scheduled for March 11.
Northfield Public Schools Handbook
This handbook has been designed to be helpful in answering questions about Northfield Public Schools' programs, policies, and procedures. This handbook is not an all-inclusive list of rules, but rather an outline of expectations and procedures that assist in the operation of the school.
We welcome and encourage you to communicate with us at school. We look forward to working together with students and parents/guardians to give the students an opportunity to be successful in their education.
- 504 Plan K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Academic awards 9–12
- Academic information 9–12
- Academic integrity and eligibility standards 9–12
- Access to school records K–5
- Accessibility to high school building 9–12
- Announcements K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Arrival of non-bus students K–5
- Art — Elementary K–5
- Assessments K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Athletic & academic activities 6–8
- Attendance information K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Attire/dress for students K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Band — Elementary K–5
- Before & after school plans K–5
- Bicycles, roller blades, and skateboards K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Birthday invitations K–5
- Books, materials and equipment K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Bullying prohibition K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Bus transportation K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Canine searches 6–8 , 9–12
- Cell phones and personal devices K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Change of address/telephone number K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Chemical health 9–12
- Child nutrition services K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Choir — Elementary K–5
- Communication between school and home K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Community education K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Crossing guards K–5
- Daily Schedules K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12 , ALC
- Dances 6–8 , 9–12
- Detention 6–8 , 9–12
- Discipline guidelines K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- e-Learning Days K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Eighteen-year olds 9–12
- Elementary school rules K–5
- Emergency closing of school K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Environmental education K–5
- Family access K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Field trips K–5
- FLEX period 9–12
- Freedom of expression 9–12
- Graduation requirements 9–12
- Graduation/commencement 9–12 , ALC
- Harassment-free learning environment (Human Rights/Title IX) K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Health guidelines K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Hearing and vision screening 6–8
- Holidays K–5
- Honor student designation 6–8 , 9–12
- Immunizations K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- KidVentures K–5
- Laser pens 6–8
- Law enforcement agencies 9–12
- Locker rooms 9–12
- Lockers 6–8 , 9–12
- Lost and found 6–8
- Low cost health insurance for families K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Make-up work 6–8
- Media center K–5 , 6–8
- Medications K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Music K–5
- Offensive behavior 6–8
- Orchestra K–5
- Outside recess K–5
- Parent/guardian involvement/PTO K–5
- Parking lot/vehicle guidelines 9–12
- Personal searches 9–12
- Pets K–5
- Phone calls K–5
- Physical education K–5
- Pledge of Allegiance K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Posting of information 9–12
- Prom 9–12
- Report cards K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Retention 6–8
- Right to know K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Safety exercises and emergency plans K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- School district policies K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Scoliosis screening 6–8
- Senior fees 9–12
- Senior transition 9–12
- Special services K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Sportsmanship statement 9–12
- Student celebrations and food K–5
- Student rights K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Student support team K–5 , 6–8
- Study center information and structured study center guidelines 9–12
- Technology and Internet K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Textbooks K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Threat assessment K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12 , ALC
- Title I K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Visit your school counselor 6–8 , 9–12
- Visitors K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Volunteers K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12
- Wellness K–5 , 6–8 , 9–12