The Superintendent’s Blog
Read #nfldlead for information from the Northfield Public Schools District leader and Superintendent Matt Hillmann.
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The Superintendent’s Blog
Read #nfldlead for information from the Northfield Public Schools District leader and Superintendent Matt Hillmann.
I have a standing appointment with KYMN (“The One” at 1080 AM & 95.1 FM) radio on the second and fourth Tuesday each month following School Board meetings. Please listen to today's broadcast.
I have a standing appointment with KYMN (“The One” at 1080 AM & 95.1 FM) radio on the second and fourth Tuesday each month following School Board meetings. Please listen to today's interview.
I have a standing appointment with KYMN (“The One” at 1080 AM & 95.1 FM) radio on the second and fourth Tuesdays each month following school board meetings. Please listen to today's interview.
I have a standing appointment with KYMN (“The One” at 1080 AM & 95.1 FM) radio on the second and fourth Tuesdays each month following school board meetings. Please listen to today's interview.
I have a standing appointment with KYMN (“The One” at 1080 AM & 95.1 FM) radio on the second and fourth Tuesdays each month following school board meetings. Please listen to today's interview.
I have a standing appointment with KYMN (“The One” at 1080 AM & 95.1 FM) radio on the second and fourth Tuesdays each month following school board meetings.
It is with despair that I am reading the details of the dreadful act of violence in Florida that has shaken our nation…again.
I have a standing appointment with KYMN (“The One” at 1080 AM & 95.1 FM) radio on the second and fourth Tuesdays each month following school board meetings.
I was invited to tour the Minnesota YMCA's "Youth in Government" Model Assembly program this past weekend. The Model Assembly welcomed approximately 1,500 students from across Minnesota to engage in a real-world simulation of governing based our democratic principles. Thanks to the Northfield YMCA, 15 Northfield High School students participated this year. This is a fantastic example of the kinds of authentic learning that is so meaningful to our students.