The Superintendent’s Blog
Read #nfldlead for information from the Northfield Public Schools District leader and Superintendent Matt Hillmann.
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The Superintendent’s Blog
Read #nfldlead for information from the Northfield Public Schools District leader and Superintendent Matt Hillmann.
Superintendent Hillmann has a standing appointment with KYMN radio on the second and fourth Tuesday each month following School Board meetings.
Much of our community is still cleaning up damage from last night's severe weather in and around Northfield. We know many families and staff members have been impacted dramatically. While there is horrific property damage throughout the District, we are grateful to understand there are no reported injuries. We all know it could have been far worse.
I have a standing appointment with KYMN (“The One” at 1080 AM & 95.1 FM) radio on the second and fourth Tuesday each month following School Board meetings.
Our year-round staff has been busy preparing for the 2018-19 school year. Maintenance, technology, and curriculum updates are near completion to support a great start to the school year!
I have a standing appointment with KYMN (“The One” at 1080 AM & 95.1 FM) radio on the second and fourth Tuesday each month following School Board meetings. Please listen to today's broadcast.
Superintendent Hillmann's remarks at today's Northfield High School graduation.