Superintendent Hillmann sent this message to families on May 29, 2020. It includes a statement about the tragic death of George Floyd and resources to support families as well as information about the end of the school year.
Attention :
We need your help! Join a priority-based budget team today. Like many other districts, we are making substantial budget reductions for the 2025-26 school year. We are committed to a transparent process. Click here to volunteer for one of the priority-based budget teams that will meet on Feb. 11, 18, and 25.
Recent COVID-19 Updates
Distance Learning Update No. 9 | May 22, 2020
Superintendent Hillmann sent this message to families on May 22, 2020.
Distance Learning Update for Families No. 8 | May 11, 2020
Superintendent Hillmann sent this message to families on May 11, 2020.
Tier I & Tier II Childcare Continues Through School District/YMCA Partnership
Through a strategic partnership, Northfield Public Schools will continue offering care for the school-aged children of Tier I health care and emergency workers while the Northfield YMCA will continue providing Tier II care. This system will remain in place through June 5, 2020.
Distance Learning Update for Familes No. 7 | April 30, 2020
Superintendent Hillmann sent this email to families on April 30, 2020.
Northfield Public Schools Webinar: Self-Care in Stressful Times – Part II
This webinar was recorded on April 24, 2020. Superintendent Matt Hillmann welcomes Cindy Boyum, a national board-certified health and wellness coach trained at Mayo Clinic, for their second discussion about self-care in stressful times.
KYMN Distance Learning Update | April 23, 2020
Superintendent Matt Hillmann is sitting down for regular interviews with KYMN radio’s Jeff Johnson about how the school district is addressing the COVID-19 global health pandemic. On April 23rd, he discussed the Governor's announcement to extend distance learning through the end of the 2019-20 school year.
Distance Learning Update for Families No. 6 | April 23, 2020
Governor Walz announced Minnesota schools will finish the 2019-20 school year via distance learning. He explained it is a necessary decision to continue fighting the spread of the novel coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 infection. Superintendent Hillmann sent this email to families on April 23, 2020.