Join special guest Mary Bleckwehl at Early Childhood Family Literacy Night on Tuesday, Feb. 25, at the Longfellow School gym (201 Orchard St. S).
Attention :
Priority based budget reductions: The district shared the priority based budget reduction information with families on March 5. You can read the message and view the priority budget reduction recommendations here.
A community meeting for public input on the recommended reductions will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2025, from 6-8:30 pm, in the Northfield Middle School auditorium. Please note the date change; this meeting was initially scheduled for March 11.
Archive: Community Services
‘Super Saturday’ Early Childhood Fundraiser
Drop your children off at the Hand in Hand Preschool and EarlyVentures classrooms for a special morning of fun and games to help raise money for preschool equipment.
Parent Coffee Hour at Longfellow
Preschool and Ventures parents are invited to have coffee at Longfellow School, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Plot Your Season in the Community Garden
2014-2015 Calendar Approved
At its Jan. 27 meeting, the Northfield Board of Education approved the 2014-15 school year calendar.
Weather-Related Cancellations (1/27)
Because of the extreme cold weather conditions, all Community Services after-school and evening activities, as well as rentals, are canceled for today.
Taking it Outside – a new adventure category
With adventure seekers and nature enthusiasts in mind, Community Services has added a new “outdoor adventure” category to recreation programs. Starting this month, youth and adults can snowshoe at night, ski with an expert, or participate in bouldering or other team-based activities.
Look Forward to Spring Classes
Start planning 2014, with Northfield Public Schools Community Services. Browse or register for classes online, or check your mailbox for the winter/spring brochure.
Costume Closet Sale
From Darth Vader to fairy princesses, check out the affordable costumes at the Community Services Costume Closet this weekend.
Mad Science in Need of Teachers
Mad Science of Minnesota is looking for energetic, reliable instructors to deliver hands-on science experiments and demonstrations for children ages 6 to 12 in the Northfield, Farmington and Faribault area.