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Alert :

No phones or internet at the NCEC today: Due to an issue with a strand of fiber, the NCEC has no phones or internet today.  The technology team has been working hard to repair this situation, but this issue will likely continue all day.  Please reach out to the district office, 507-663-0600, and messages will be relayed to the NCEC.

All Students K-12

Bullying is defined as behavior that is:

  • Intimidating, threatening, abusive or hurtful conduct.
  • Objectively offensive.
  • Involves an imbalance of power and is repeated, or materially and substantially interferes with a student’s education or ability to participate in school activities.

Any act of bullying or cyberbullying is strictly prohibited as defined in Policy 514 Bullying Prohibition Policy. Students and/or families should report instances of bullying as outlined above to the building principal or assistant principal. While not required, the use of this form is encouraged to assist in a prompt investigation.


Last modified:  June 16, 2023