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Bienvenidos a Northfield Public Schools!

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Attention :

Priority based budget reductions: The district shared the priority based budget reduction information with families on March 5. You can read the message and view the priority budget reduction recommendations here.

The district has also published an FAQ. This document will be updated as needed.

A community meeting for public input on the recommended reductions will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2025, from 6-8:30 pm, in the Northfield Middle School auditorium. Please note the date change; this meeting was initially scheduled for March 11.

Early Childhood Programs

Preparing Children to be Successful Learners

Early childhood programs offer a comprehensive array of coordinated
programs and services that ensure all families and children possess the skills
for continued learning. Parents are supported through resources and
guidance in the development of their child and family, and children birth
through kindergarten entrance are exposed to new experiences through
purposeful interactions and process-oriented learning.

Bridges To Kindergarten

Bridges to Kindergarten is a free summer program held at each of the elementary schools in August to help ease the transition into kindergarten and provide a boost in readiness skills, such as listening, working in groups, orientation to classroom routines as well as academic activities focused on literacy and math. Bridges to Kindergarten is taught by licensed kindergarten and early childhood teachers. Children are placed in the neighborhood school they will attend. If needed, transportation is available!

Bridges to Kindergarten 2025 dates: August 11-15.
For more information, call 507-645-1232.

Bridges to K 2025 Registration

Early Childhood Screening

Early Childhood Screening includes vision and hearing, height and weight,
immunization review, large and small muscles, thinking, language and communication
skills, as well as social and emotional development. Screening is completed by a
teacher or a nurse and is tailored for your child’s age, there is no pass or fail!

This free screening will provide general information about your child’s growth and
development, identify possible health or learning concerns, and connect you with
community resources and programs. Screenings are held at the Northfield Community
Education Center (NCEC), located at 700 Lincoln Parkway.

For more information regarding the screening process, check out this video from the
Minnesota Department of Education, by clicking here. For Spanish click here

Make an appointment online

Parent Aware Logo for preschool accreditation rating

Hand In Hand Preschool

We have openings for the 2024-25 school year!  Contact Sara Line at for more information

Hand in Hand Preschool is a public school preschool that supports and nurtures young children as they grow, learn and develop. Our licensed teachers prepare children, ages 3 to kindergarten entrance, for continued success in the elementary years. Hand in Hand Preschool is located at the Northfield Community Education Center, 700 Lincoln Parkway.

Click here to check out a typical day at Hand in Hand Preschool. (For optimal viewing, please use a web browser). If your child will be absent from Hand in Hand Preschool, please call the attendance line at 507-414-8771 or email here and please call the bus company at 507-645-5720 if you use transportation.

Hand in Hand Preschool Handbook

Early Childhood Family Education

ECFE is for everyone! The mission of ECFE is to strengthen families and support the
ability of all parents to provide the best possible environment for the healthy growth and
development of their children. Parents are supported through resources and guidance
in the development of their child and family, and children birth through kindergarten
entrance are exposed to new experiences through purposeful interactions and learning
in our indoor and outdoor classrooms. We offer regular weekly classes, drop-in classes
and one time events!
Our regular classes begin with parent-child interaction time and hands-on art, science,
literacy or music activities. In our classes for older age groups, children get a chance to
practice their independence and peer interaction skills while parents move to another
room for discussion led by a parent educator. In our younger classes parents remain in
the same room. Sibling care is offered for many ECFE classes.

Click here to check out a typical day in ECFE. (For optimal viewing, please use a web browser).

Call 507.664.3649 to register by phone or for more information. Print the registration form to register by mail.

Register Online

Follow Us On Facebook

ECFE Handbook

  • The Goals of ECFE
    • Give children opportunities to discover and learn
    • Support parents in raising their children
    • Offer information about child development and parenting
    • Help parents and their children communicate with each other
    • Promote positive parental attitudes
    • Provide information on community resources

    Call 507.645.1232 for more information about classes and for scholarship information if the cost of a class is a hardship for your family.

  • Early Childhood Consultation/Parent Coaching

    Are you looking for extra parenting support? Do you have questions or concerns about
    your child’s behavior or development that you would like to discuss privately? Common
    questions include eating, sleeping, toilet training, and tantrums. Speak with a licensed
    parent educator or early childhood teacher by phone, video, chat or in person at the
    NCEC or in your home. This service is free for parents. Call 507-664-3654 for more
    information or sign up at

Newborn Baby Talk

Newborn Baby Talk is a free weekly class for parents of newborns birth to 12 weeks. A public health nurse, parent educator, and lactation consultant are available to answer questions about your newborn and provide support and information for your new journey of parenting. Facilitated discussions cover feeding, attachment, sleep, development, family changes, and returning to work. Also get your baby weighed!

Class is offered year-round every Wednesday from 10:00-11:30, except on public holidays. There is no need to call ahead–just show up. Care for older siblings must be arranged 24 hours in advance of class…please text Ellen at 507.301.7369.

Find us at the Northfield Community Education Center, 700 Lincoln Parkway and enter Door #1. Please note that if Northfield Public Schools begin two hours late or school is cancelled, there will be no class.

This class is co-sponsored by Northfield Hospital + Clinics, Northfield Public Schools Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE), and Rice County Public Health Nursing Service. For more information or questions, call or text Ellen at 507.301.7369 or

Bridges To Kindergarten

Bridges to Kindergarten is a free summer program held at each of the elementary schools in August to help ease the transition into kindergarten and provide a boost in readiness skills, such as listening, working in groups, orientation to classroom routines as well as academic activities focused on literacy and math. Bridges to Kindergarten is taught by licensed kindergarten and early childhood teachers. Children are placed in the neighborhood school they will attend. If needed, transportation is available!  For more information, call 507-645-1232.

Bridges to K 2025 Registration

Teen Parent Program

The Teen Parent Program offers classes for current or expectant parents between the ages of 14 and 21 who are enrolled at the Northfield Area Learning Center. Contact Daryl Kehler (507.645.1238) for more information.

Northfield Community Education Advisory Council (NCEAC)

Purpose: The Community Education Advisory Council plays an important role in shaping the lifelong educational offering available through the Community Education Department, routinely advising staff in programming, budgeting and department development.

Meeting Dates: 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Fourth (4th) Tuesday of the month (no meeting in July and December)

Location:  Northfield Community Education Center, Room 116

Erin Bailey, Dalilah Agapito Rosas (student member), Emily Blumhoefer, Joshua Bowen, Aaron Lauer (PRAB Liason), Jenny Nelson (School Board Representative), Caitlyn Otis, Em Palencia, CJ Riehl-Merrill (student member), Rosie Sharkey, Jeffery Svien, Sarah Wolfe, Erin Zimmerman.


Census Makes a Difference

Help the school district keep census information up to date. Call us at 507.664.3750 if:

  • You have had a baby recently
  • You have an infant, toddler or preschooler and have moved into the school district
  • Your address and phone number has changed since the birth of your preschool child