This update includes information about the renewal of and increase to the capital projects levy on the Nov. 8 ballot, employment opportunities available at Northfield Public Schools, a school safety overview, fall athletics, 2022-23 COVID-19 procedures, new legislation related to student data privacy and Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten screen time, our anti-racism work, a board update, and district family update readership data.
Attention :
Priority based budget reductions: The district shared the priority based budget reduction information with families on March 5. You can read the message and view the priority budget reduction recommendations here.
The district has also published an FAQ. This document will be updated as needed.
A community meeting for public input on the recommended reductions will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2025, from 6-8:30 pm, in the Northfield Middle School auditorium. Please note the date change; this meeting was initially scheduled for March 11.
Archive: For New Families
2021-22 District Family Update No. 31 | June 21, 2022
This family update includes information about our new Northfield High School principal, 2021-22 parent satisfaction results, and a recap of the latest school board meeting.
Shane Baier named Northfield High School principal
Mr. Shane Baier will be the next Northfield High School principal, beginning July 1, 2022. Mr. Baier will succeed Dr. Joel Leer, who has accepted a position as an assistant professor of educational leadership at Minnesota State University, Mankato
2021-22 District Family Update No. 30 | May 27, 2022
This family update includes additional resources for families regarding the Uvalde, Texas tragic school shooting, information about the middle school/high school career exploration day, the process for selecting the next Northfield High School principal, and a school board meeting update.
2021-22 District Family Update No. 29 | May 12, 2022
This update includes a final update about the district's budget prioritization process and corresponding reductions, the first participants in the Northfield Teaching Fellows program, an update on the parent satisfaction survey, and a school board meeting recap.
2021-22 District Family Update No. 28 | May 6, 2022
This message provides an update about the district's budget prioritization process.
2021-22 District Family Update No. 13 | Jan. 11, 2022
This update contains important information regarding the district’s Test to Stay program, an update to our quarantine protocol, and an update about how we share general exposure notifications with families.
Portage enrollment open
Northfield Public Schools has earned accreditation as a state-approved online learning provider. The Portage program is now accepting enrollments for the 2021-22 school year. Portage is a free, K-12 program open to all Minnesota students.
Board Authorizes November Referendum
At a special meeting on July 24, the Board of Education officially voted to hold a November 7, 2017, election for the purpose of expanding and extending the current operating levy and for the purpose of selling bonds to implement components of the Master Facilities Plan.
Greenvale Park Principal Selected
Northfield Public Schools is pleased to announce that Mr. Sam Richardson will be the next Principal at Greenvale Park Elementary School. Sam has served the last eight years as Principal at Glendale Elementary School in the Prior Lake-Savage School District.