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Attention :

Priority based budget reductions: The district shared the priority based budget reduction information with families on March 5. You can read the message and view the priority budget reduction recommendations here.

The district has also published an FAQ. This document will be updated as needed.

A community meeting for public input on the recommended reductions will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2025, from 6-8:30 pm, in the Northfield Middle School auditorium. Please note the date change; this meeting was initially scheduled for March 11.

Elementary K-5

Students have the right to choose their manner of dress and personal grooming unless it presents a clear danger to the students’ health and safety, is sexually suggestive by words, pictures or appearance; exhibits profanity, or interferes with the educational environment of the school or the classroom, or causes undue distraction in the classroom. Clothing with lewd or vulgar expressions, with expressions which are sexually or racially offensive, or which advertises products that are illegal for minors or prohibited on school property will not be allowed during school hours and/or at school events.

Any students who feel offended by an individual’s dress may report that concern to an adult in the building or to school administration. Students who dress inappropriately will be subject to student discipline procedures.

It is important that parents/guardians keep the changing seasons in mind when it comes to clothing. As the colder weather approaches, hats, heavy coats, mittens, and boots should become a part of every student’s wardrobe.

  • Students are expected to wear appropriate clothing during the winter season, which includes coats with hoods, or hats, mittens or gloves, boots, and snow pants.
  • Please mark all clothing items with some distinguishing identification and check the Lost and Found area frequently.
  • Students are outside daily in the morning before school and during recess; therefore, being appropriately dressed for the weather is important.
  • If the temperature is at or above 0º F the children will go outside.
  • If the temperature is lower than -10º F wind chill they will be inside.
  • State law dictates that students wear shoes on school property at all times.
  • Hats, bandanas, and tattoos are not to be worn in school.
  • Midriff tops, offensive shirts and tank tops with shoulder straps less than two-inches wide are not permitted.

Middle School 6-8

Students have the right to choose their manner of dress and personal grooming unless it presents a clear danger to the student’s health and safety, is sexually suggestive by words, picture or appearance, exhibits profanity, or interferes with the educational environment of the school or the classroom. Clothing with lewd or vulgar expressions, with expressions which are sexually or racially offensive, or which advertises products that are illegal for minors or prohibited on school property will not be allowed during school hours or at school events. State law dictates that students wear shoes on school property at all times. Any student who feels offended by an individual’s dress may report that concern to an adult in the building or to school administration. Students who dress inappropriately will be subject to student discipline procedures. Hats, hoods, and head coverings are not permitted inside the school except for designated events and/or permission from administration. Head coverings may be worn for religious or cultural reasons.

Individuals are prohibited from wearing caps, headwear, hats, hoods, jackets, coats, choppers/gloves in school except when they are arriving or departing from the building. Individuals are further prohibited from wearing any attire, including jewelry, symbols or “colors” which signify or are likely to be interpreted as signifying membership in gangs, or offensive clubs to school or to school sponsored activities (i.e., dances, athletic events, field trips, evening events, etc.).

Individuals are further prohibited from any manner of dress or personal grooming which presents a danger to health or safety, causes an interference with work, or creates classroom or school disorder. Such attire includes, but is not limited to: clothing with drug, alcohol or tobacco advertising: print or graphics which are sexually explicit or suggestive; representations which are sexually explicit or suggestive; representations which are inappropriate, offensive or demeaning to any group; clothing which is suggestive or inadequate in its covering, including visible undergarments; and pants worn below the waist.

Dress and Grooming Guidelines

Students are responsible to dress in such a manner that is not disruptive nor likely to disrupt the learning environment, is not a health and safety hazard, is not obscene, is not sexually explicit, discriminatory or associated with threat/hate groups, including gangs. Clothing that displays references to weapons, alcohol, chemicals, tobacco or other products that are illegal for use by minors is not permitted.

Students in violation will be given an opportunity to correct their attire. Students in question can be sent to the office where a counselor and/or administrator will determine acceptability. If there are repeat offenses by a student, parents/guardians will be contacted. Continued violations will result in detention and/or suspension. If you have questions, please contact Greg Gelineau (principal) or Michael O’Keefe (assistant principal) at 507-663-0650 or a Counselor at 507-663-0664.

High School 9-12

Students are responsible to dress in such a manner that is not disruptive nor likely to disrupt the learning environment, is not a health and safety hazard, is not obscene, is not sexually explicit, discriminatory or associated with threat/hate groups, including gangs. Clothing that displays references to weapons, alcohol, chemicals, tobacco or other products that are illegal for use by minors is not permitted.

Last modified:  July 28, 2023