Employee back-to-school information is organized below by location. Please review the information posted beneath the heading “All District Employees” as well as any information below your building name(s).

All District Employees

  1. Superintendent Hillmann’s Welcome Back Letter, August 2016.
  2. Fall Workshop Week Schedule for Licensed Staff 2016.
  3. All Special Education Staff Summer Letter 2016.
  4. All Educational Assistants Summer Letter 2016.
  5. Child Nutrition August 16 Back-to-School Meeting and Training 2016.
  6. Mandated Annual Training from Jim Kulseth and Elizabeth Bade.
  7. Required Training Schedule from Elizabeth Bade and Laurie Larson.
  8. New Special Education Staff Required Training from Elizabeth Bade and Laurie Larson.
  9. New Licensed Staff Welcome Packet 2016.

High School

  1. High School Fall 2016 Letter to Staff.

Area Learning Center

  1. ALC Staff Letter 2016.

Middle School

  1. Middle School Staff Welcome Letter 2016.


  1. Longfellow Staff Welcome.
  2. Welcome Back Early Childhood Staff Letter Fall 2016.

Bridgewater Elementary School

  1. Bridgewater Back-to-School Staff Letter 2016.
  2. Guiding Behavior Principles.
  3. Parent-Teacher Conference Dates.
  4. 2016-2017 Payroll Calendar.
  5. 2016-2017 School Calendar.
  6. Staff Lounge Clean-Up.

Greenvale Park Elementary School

  1. Greenvale Park Welcome Back Staff Letter 2016.
  2. Greenvale Park Personnel 2016.
  3. Greenvale Park Building Map 2016.

Sibley Elementary School

  1. Sibley Welcome Back Letter 2016.
  2. Guiding Behavior Principles.
  3. Specialist/Lunch/Recess Schedule 2016.
  4. Building Master Schedule.
  5. Sibley EA Assignments.
  6. Sibley Map.