Northfield Public Schools Community Services will be closed on Thursday, July 4, and Friday, July 5, for the holiday. The office will reopen on Monday, July 8, at the regular time of 8 a.m.
Attention :
We need your help! Join a priority-based budget team today. Like many other districts, we are making substantial budget reductions for the 2025-26 school year. We are committed to a transparent process. Click here to volunteer for one of the priority-based budget teams that will meet on Feb. 11, 18, and 25.
Archive: 2013
The Last Keeper at Split Rock
Meet the last keeper at Split Rock Lighthouse and hear stories of life and work at this iconic landmark. From 7 to 8:30 p.m. on July 18 at the Northfield High School auditorium, author Mike Roberts will also share some of his search and rescue experiences in the U.S. Coast Guard.
Summer Music in the Park
Don't miss the last free performances of the Northfield Community Band, this Thursday, June 20, and next Thursday, June 27, in Bridge Square from 7 to 8 p.m. Grace Watkins, band and orchestra director at Shattuck-St. Mary’s School, will lead the players in celebrating summer and Independence Day in the last half of the band's season.
District Office Summer Hours
The district office of Northfield Public Schools will be operating on a summer schedule beginning Monday, June 17, and ending on Friday, July 26.
Northfield Invited to Break World Record
Help set a Guinness World Record, while receiving a free swimming lesson with thousands of others across the globe. Join Community Services from 10 to 10:30 a.m. on June 18 at the Northfield Outdoor Pool in the World's Largest Swimming Lesson™.
High School Bus Registration
Northfield High School students entering grades 10 through 12 in September 2013 must be registered if they require bus service.
Community Services June Events
Kick-start your summer with a Community Services class. Join fellow parents with newborns for support and information at Newborn Baby Talk, from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Mondays.
Adaptive Summer Camp Begins in June
Students of all abilities can find fun and learning opportunities at Project ABLE's "Summer Youth Camp," starting in June for youth entering grades 6 through 12.
Science Students Complete Service Project
A group of 16 seventh graders, four parents and two teachers volunteered on a recent Saturday to remove Buckthorn from Sibley Elementary School's nature area, one of two service projects the science teachers used this year to help bring curriculum to life.
Find Your Spark With SummerVentures
Youth entering grades one through seven next fall can explore new interests, learn new skills and develop new friendships over the summer in a safe and nurturing environment, at SummerVentures.