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Bienvenidos a Northfield Public Schools!

Por favor, elija traducir el sitio al español o visite esta página para obtener más recursos en español.

Attention :

Priority based budget reductions: The district shared the priority based budget reduction information with families on March 5. You can read the message and view the priority budget reduction recommendations here.

The district has also published an FAQ. This document will be updated as needed.

A community meeting for public input on the recommended reductions will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2025, from 6-8:30 pm, in the Northfield Middle School auditorium. Please note the date change; this meeting was initially scheduled for March 11.


Thank you for your interest in serving our community by volunteering in our schools! We encourage parents/guardians to connect directly with their student’s teacher about volunteer opportunities in the classroom.  You may also fill out this form to get started: Northfield Public Schools Volunteer Form.  Once the form is completed someone from the school(s) you selected will reach out to you.

Background Check & Confidentiality Acknowledgment

All volunteers in our school buildings are required to complete a confidentiality acknowledgment, plus an informed consent form that grants permission for the district to conduct a criminal background check.

Background Check & Confidentiality Acknowledgment / Spanish


Help at School

There are a variety of ways to get plugged in at Spring Creek!
*Read the weekly update for various opportunities throughout the year
*Contact the Spring Creek PTO, or better yet, attend a meeting to see where you can get plugged in
*Call the office to express your interest and we can help find a need in the building!

“No one can do everything, but everyone can do something”

Spring Creek PTO

The Spring Creek Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) prides itself on its involvement in a number of areas. From organizing activities, to coordinating volunteers, to raising much-needed funds; we are a vital and integral part of the school. We welcome all parents to join the PTO. We think you will find it not only fun, but also a great way to meet other parents.

If you have any questions or if you are interested in learning more about the PTO, please contact Kate Dreier at

  • 2024-2025 Meeting Dates

    Meetings will be held in the Spring Creek Flex Lab.

    September 11, 2024

    November 12, 2024

    January 14, 2025

    March 11, 2025

    April 15, 2025



  • PTO Officers

    President: Kate Dreier

    Vice President: OPEN

    Treasurer: Robert Coleman

    Secretary: Erin Larson

    Yearbook: Juley Jenkinson