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Bienvenidos a Northfield Public Schools!

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Attention :

Priority based budget reductions: The district shared the priority based budget reduction information with families on March 5. You can read the message and view the priority budget reduction recommendations here.

The district has also published an FAQ. This document will be updated as needed.

A community meeting for public input on the recommended reductions will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2025, from 6-8:30 pm, in the Northfield Middle School auditorium. Please note the date change; this meeting was initially scheduled for March 11.

Order your NMS 24-25 Yearbook

There’s nothing else like your school yearbook. Get your hands on the limited edition collection of our stories from the year. Share it with your friends today and hang on to it for years to come! Mrs. Holland and the Yearbook Club are excited to bring you the 2024-2025 Northfield Middle School Yearbook. Watch for announcements on how you may submit photos and content to be included this year. Order your’s today!

Parents can order their student’s school photos anytime by going to Josten’s website. Our school code is FE72724.

Northfield Middle School Activities Department

Northfield Middle School activities programs aim to provide top-notch co-curricular performance opportunities for secondary school students. We believe that a soundly conceived and executed program will provide substantial educational outcomes for participants. In addition, we believe that individual improvement and the achievement of personal and team goals are determinants of success beyond the secondary school years.

Our programs give students the opportunity to develop socially, emotionally, intellectually, and physically. Coaches and advisors foster important skills, such as leadership, teamwork, creativity, time management, self-expression, goal-setting, and more. We strive to provide a positive experience for all participants, parents, and the community.

To be directed to our Activities Webpage, please click on the image below.