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Bienvenidos a Northfield Public Schools!

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Attention :

Priority based budget reductions: The district shared the priority based budget reduction information with families on March 5. You can read the message and view the priority budget reduction recommendations here.

The district has also published an FAQ. This document will be updated as needed.

A community meeting for public input on the recommended reductions will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2025, from 6-8:30 pm, in the Northfield Middle School auditorium. Please note the date change; this meeting was initially scheduled for March 11.


Helping all students reach their full potential

At Northfield Middle School, we understand that the middle school years are an important time in a student’s development. The experience we offer is committed to empowering learning and inspiring confidence.

A thoughtful mix of required and elective courses will fuel the curious mind while providing the necessary foundation support. At every opportunity students are challenged to reach their full potential. Every day we aspire to:

  • Ensure an environment that inspires self-directed learning and excellence.
  • Promote a caring and respectful community that encourages students to pursue their passions.
  • Motivate students in a safe environment that inspires them to be contributing members of our society.

Our curriculum is both rigorous and engaging, incorporating a full range of techniques and technologies.

Curriculum Overview

Will Program

The Will Program offers a supportive learning environment to encourage success. The Will Program operates as a structured study center where students have access to a classroom teacher and two educational assistants along with class sizes of no more than 10 students. This support will occur instead of a traditional study hall. It is an intensive support program that will combine the following:

  • Academic Advising
  • Goal Setting and Monitoring
  • Academic interventions based upon individual need
  • Weekly lessons focused on supporting essential skills
  • SEL skills and tools


The mission of TORCH is to improve the graduation and post-secondary participation rates of Northfield’s minority students, low-income students, and youth who would be first-generation college attendees.

Program Goals

TORCH partners are committed to the establishment and monitoring of outcome measures to assess the project’s success.  Through the proposed activities, TORCH partners expect to also see the following measurable outcomes annually:

  • 90% of TORCH students will remain in school.
  • 90% of TORCH seniors will graduate from high school.
  • Over 50% of TORCH graduates will pursue post-secondary education.
  • 60% of TORCH graduates enrolled in post-secondary schools will complete their first year in college and progress towards earning a degree.
  • 40% of TORCH students will demonstrate improvement in core academic subjects.


Testing & Assessment

Northfield Public Schools will use standardized assessments and other testing to measure student growth, identify student needs, inform parents, guide curriculum, and communicate district performance.

School Improvement

Guided by the district’s strategic plan and the annual goals of the district’s advisory committee, each of our schools and programs develops an annual Site Improvement Plan (SIP). The plan includes school-wide student achievement goals, school climate goals and action plans to support the achievement of each of those goals.

Homework Assistance

Northfield Middle School is proud to offer helpful resources for students who would like help with their homework or assistance gaining a better understanding of learning concepts.

Multilingual Learners

Students who have not yet developed academic English proficiency in their ability to speak, listen, read, and/or write, may be eligible for Multilingual Learner (ML) Services.

English Learner Services