Please click the button below to print the supply list. Supply fees can be paid online (preferred) or with a check during family conferences. To pay online, please click the link below:
Attention :
Priority based budget reductions: The district shared the priority based budget reduction information with families on March 5. You can read the message and view the priority budget reduction recommendations here.
The district has also published an FAQ. This document will be updated as needed.
A community meeting for public input on the recommended reductions will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2025, from 6-8:30 pm, in the Northfield Middle School auditorium. Please note the date change; this meeting was initially scheduled for March 11.
Class Supply Lists
2024 – 2025 School Year
All students need to have a backpack (labeled) daily & athletic shoes on Phy Ed days
**No wheeled backpacks as they don’t fit into the locker**
**$35 Fee ($30 supply, $5 in class parties)
Last Name Begins With:
A-H Paper Plates (snack and dinner size)
I-P Disinfecting Wipes (2 Containers)
Q-Z Tissues (2 boxes)
Extra Set Of Clothes In A Labeled Plastic Bag
Small Blanket Or Beach Towel For Quiet Time
Labeled Headphones (NOT Earbuds/NOT Wireless) That Stay at School
1st Grade
**$35 Supply Fee
Disinfecting Wipes (2 Containers)
Facial Tissues (1 Box)
Labeled Headphones (NOT Wireless) That Stay at School
2nd Grade
**$35 Supply Fee
Facial Tissues (1 Box)
Disinfecting Wipes (1 Container)
Labeled Headphones (NOT Wireless) That Stay at School
Pencil Case/Box (Labeled)
3rd Grade
**$30 Supply Fee
Facial Tissues (1 Box)
Disinfecting Wipes (1 Container)
Labeled Headphones (NOT Wireless/NOT Earbuds) That Stay at School
4th Grade
**$35 Supply Fee
Facial Tissues (2 Boxes)
Disinfecting Wipes (1 Container)
Labeled Headphones (NOT Wireless)That Stay at School
Gallon or quart size ziplocks (optional)
Hand Sanitizer (optional)
5th Grade
**$25 Supply Fee
24 Pencils
4 pack fine point BLACK dry erase markers
Facial Tissues (2 Boxes)
Disinfecting Wipes (1 Container)
Labeled Headphones (NOT Wireless) That Stay at School
**$35 tarifa de suministro ($30 suministro; $5 para fiestas en clase)
Apellido comienza con:
A-H Platos de papel (grandes y pequeños)
I-P Toallitas desinfectantes (2 Contenedores)
Q-Z Pañuelo facial (2 Cajas)
Ropa extra en una bolsa de plástico etiquetada
Cobija o Toalla pequeña para tiempo de silencio
Audífonos etiquetados que se quedan en la escuela (NO inalámbricos, NO auriculares)
1er Grado
**$35 tarifa de suministro
Toallitas desinfectantes (3 Contenedores)
Pañuelo facial (1 Caja)
Audífonos etiquetados que se quedan en la escuela (NO inalámbricos, NO auriculares)
2do Grado
**$35 tarifa de suministro
Pañuelo facial (1 Caja)
Toallitas desinfectantes (1 Contenedores)
Audífonos etiquetados que se quedan en la escuela (NO inalámbricos)
Caja/estuche de lápices (etiquetado)
3er Grado
**$30 tarifa de suministro
Pañuelo facial (2 Cajas)
Toallitas desinfectantes (1 Contenedor)
Audífonos etiquetados que se quedan en la escuela (NO inalámbricos; NO auriculares)
4to Grado
**$35 tarifa de suministro
Pañuelo facial (2 Cajas)
Toallitas desinfectantes (1 Contenedor)
Audífonos etiquetados que se quedan en la escuela (NO inalámbricos)
1 caja de bolsas de plástico de un cuarto o 1 caja de bolsas de plástico de un galón (opcional)
el gel antibacterial (opcional)
5to Grado
**$25 tarifa de suministro
24 lápices
4 marcadores de pizarra (puntas finas; negros)
Pañuelo facial (2 Cajas)
Toallitas desinfectantes (1 Contenedor)
Audífonos etiquetados que se quedan en la escuela (NO inalámbricos)