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Attention :

Priority based budget reductions: The district shared the priority based budget reduction information with families on March 5. You can read the message and view the priority budget reduction recommendations here.

The district has also published an FAQ. This document will be updated as needed.

A community meeting for public input on the recommended reductions will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2025, from 6-8:30 pm, in the Northfield Middle School auditorium. Please note the date change; this meeting was initially scheduled for March 11.

Learning at the ALC

A Student-Run Business

Every year the Area Learning Center offers students an opportunity to learn basic business and fundraising skills through the making and selling of Soy Scents Candles. Collectively, students make all the decisions and do all the work, including the marketing, selling, and making of the candles, as well as setting financial goals.

  • Great Candles, Great Mission

    Our mission is to produce high quality candles and support our local food shelf by donating the profits.

    • ALC students began the company in an effort to support the local food shelf. Since then, Soy Scents Candles has donated more than $55,000 to the Community Action Center of Northfield.
    • We have a variety of scents to choose from, and because the scents change every year, we would love to provide you with a list upon contact.
    • Candles are packaged in translucent, decorative bags and make convenient gifts.
  • Benefits of Soy Candles
    1. They emit little or no soot.
    2. They produce no carcinogens.
    3. They do not contain lead.
    4. The wax is biodegradable.
    5. They burn cleaner and longer.
    6. The soy is grown in the United States.
  • Purchase Information

    Each spring, students deliver candles for order to area businesses and organizations. To request an order for your organization or yourself, please call 507.645.1244 or email

Night Class Credit Recovery

Night Class Credit Recovery (Independent Study) is for students who need to recover credits and can complete coursework with minimal teacher direction. Coursework will be done online using the Edgenuity platform. Successful completion of each class is worth a .5 semester credit, with up to 2.0 full credits possible.

Contact the ALC Director Daryl Kehler (507.645.1201) or for more information or to sign up.

High School Credit Recovery Summer School

High school summer school gives students, ages 16-21, the opportunity to make up missed credits from the regular school year in core academic areas, including English, science, social studies and math. Course offerings are dependent upon number of students enrolled. Successful completion of each class is worth a .5 semester credit, with up to 2.0 full credits possible.

Visit the high school counseling office or contact ALC Director Daryl Kehler (507.645.1201) for more information.