It is with despair that I am reading the details of the dreadful act of violence in Florida that has shaken our nation…again.
These resources from the National Association of School Psychologists have some high-quality talking points about discussing violence with children. They are good for us to all review:
It is so hard to make sense of a senseless act. There are few words that can come close to doing it.  In the coming days, we will read about many things that could have been done to prevent this. Much of it will focus on security protocols or strategies. Of course, these are vital. Of greater importance are the relationships we build with students, families, and our community. Relationships are our greatest defense against violence. Building trust is essential so kids will tell us what they are concerned about. Good relationships allow us to help connect students with necessary professional services like mental or chemical health counseling. We have much work ahead of us to make our world a better place.