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Attention :

Priority based budget reductions: The district shared the priority based budget reduction information with families on March 5. You can read the message and view the priority budget reduction recommendations here.

A community meeting for public input on the recommended reductions will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2025, from 6-8:30 pm, in the Northfield Middle School auditorium. Please note the date change; this meeting was initially scheduled for March 11.

Ventures Childcare

KID Ventures SCHOOL age care

Kid Ventures is a child-focused, enrichment and care program that incorporates a fun atmosphere in a safe setting where children can explore new interests and make new friends. Students participate in a variety of hands-on activities that build social, emotional, physical and academic skills. We collaborate with each elementary school to share facilities including the gyms, cafeteria, computer lab and outside play areas. Enrollment must include a consistent schedule with a minimum of two days per week. Kid Ventures also offers care on most non-school days and during the one hour late start on Wednesdays.

Kid Ventures is offered Monday through Friday at Bridgewater, Greenvale Park, and Spring Creek Elementary schools, from 6:30 am-school start and school release-6:00 pm. Enrollment information is available below and at the Community Education Office. Call 507.664.3750 for more information.

Forms & Information:
  • Kid Ventures Information for Incoming Kindergarten Families
  • Registration for KV for 2025-2026 will open online on Friday, April 4th at 8:00 am.
  • Registration for KV 2024-2025 opened online on Friday, April 5th, 2024 at 8 am. To register for the waitlist, please click here
  • Children must be registered for a minimum of 2 days per week, unless only registering for Wednesday mornings before school. Registrations are approved on a first come, first served basis. Registration will remain open until August 4th OR we reach our staffing capacity, whichever comes first. Registrations received after August 4th or after we reach capacity will be placed on the wait list.

Prices for 2024-2025

Before School $8.25/Day *Drop-In:  $10.25/Day
After School $13.00/Day *Drop-In: $15.50/Day
1 Hour ONLY Late Start Wednesday $3.00/Day
Non-School Day** $47.00/Day *Drop-In: $57.00/Day

*Drop-Ins are ONLY for children with an established KV contract (Ex. child attends T/Th afternoons and needs to add a random Wed. afternoon). Drop-Ins will be approved as space and staffing allow. There is NOT a drop-in only contract.

**Non-school day registration for 2024-2025 is open. Non-School day care is only available to students with an established KV ’24-’25 school year contract. We are not able to accommodate care on non-school days for those that do not currently attend KV.

Non-School Day Registration:

Kid Ventures is open on most non-school days (Ex. MEA, Winter Break, Spring Break, etc.) To register for non-school days, please log into your Eleyo account and click on “register for non-school days.” Below are the KV locations for 2024-2025. Register early for non-school days as registration does fill.

Online Payments:

Ventures strongly encourages families to set up automatic withdrawal on their Ventures account or to make payments online. If you need help making a payment, please call the main Community Education office at 507-645-1200.

One-Hour Late Start Wednesday (PLC Option):

KidVentures provides programming during the one-hour late start time on Wednesdays. Families interested in enrolling for this one hour must complete an online registration and have it approved BEFORE a child can attend. To register for the one hour Wednesday late start for the 2024-2025, please click here.

Ventures Family Accounts



The Kid Ventures summer program is designed for youth entering 1st through 7th grade and allows kids to experience a wide variety of both enrichment and recreation opportunities. Children will participate in a variety of hands-on activities that build social, emotional, physical and academic development.

Registration for summer 2025 will open on March 6th at 10:00 am.

2025 Summer Rates:

Consistent Schedule (min of 2 days per week): $49/day
Variable Schedule (min of 20 days for the summer): $59/day
Before/After PLUS: $25/day

KV 2025 Summer Themes and Field Trips:

Week Theme Friday Field Trip
June 11-13 Hello Summer! The Fun Lab
June 16-20 Abracadaba The Science Crew (on site)
June 23-27 Down on the Farm Faribault Aquatic Center
June 30-July 3 Stars and Stripes CLOSED
July 7-11 Hurray for the Holidays Apple Valley Aquatic Center
July 14-18 Animal Adventure Como Zoo
July 21-25 Super Sleuths Science Museum
July 28-Aug 1 Wild West River Springs Water Park
Aug 4-Aug 8 Heroes Nickelodeon Universe
Aug 11-15 Party Express Shoreview Commons Park
Aug 18-22 The Magic of Disney Crayola Factory


Early Ventures Learning Center

Early Ventures Learning Center is a child care center for infants, toddlers and preschoolers, licensed by the Department of Human Services. We offer a variety of schedule and fee options and are located, along with Hand in Hand Preschool, at the NCEC. Contact Breezy Barrett ( or 507-645-1245) to arrange a tour.

Forms & Information:

Registration for September 2024-August 2025 opened online on Thursday, March 7th, 2024 at 8 am. Registration for September 2025-August 2026 will open Thursday, March 6th at 10:00 am. New families are strongly encouraged to register as soon as possible after the registration opens as space is limited. If you are hoping to enroll an unborn child, please use their expected date of birth as their birthday and “Baby __Your Last Name__” as their name. Families will also need to have the names, addresses, and phone numbers of 2 emergency pick-ups (not parents/guardians), primary doctor, and primary dentist.

Early Ventures classrooms are currently at capacity for 2024-2025. To register for the 2024-2025 waitlist, please click here.

Rates for September 2025-August 2026

    Infant (Caterpillar Room)   Toddler (Bee and Ladybug Rooms)  *Preschool (Firefly and Butterfly Rooms
2 Day (TTH) $86/Day $79/Day $77/Day
3 Day (MWF) $81/Day $72/Day $69/Day
4 Day (Flexible) $75/Day $67/Day $65/Day
5 Day (M-F) $69/Day $62/Day $60/Day


Please email or call 507-645-1245 if you have further questions.

Online Payments:

Ventures strongly encourages families to set up automatic withdrawal on their Ventures account or to make payments online. If you need help making a payment, please call the main Community Education office at 507-645-1200.

Ventures Family Accounts


Parent Aware Logo for preschool accreditation rating
Hand in Hand Preschool and the preschool rooms at EarlyVentures Learning Center are four-star rated, awarded by Minnesota’s Parent Aware Rating System. This identifies our programs as having a high quality learning environment and curriculum, helping children prepare for kindergarten success.


Registration for Kid Ventures Summer 2025

Registration for Kid Ventures Summer 2025 will open on March 6th at 10:00 am. If you need or want care on Fridays, you are strongly encouraged to register as soon as possible.

Please click HERE to register once registration goes live.