Elementary K-5
Parents/guardians are always welcome to visit school. We ask that you contact the classroom teacher two days in advance. For the security of students, all visitors are required to sign in and out at the office. A visitor’s badge will be given to you to wear while at our school.
Student visitors are not allowed in the school buildings. Only students enrolled in a Northfield elementary school are allowed in the school building.
Middle School 6-8
Parents/guardians are always welcome to visit Northfield Middle School. Classroom visits require administrative approval.
Visitor Requirements:
- Only one visitor per student.
- A written request must be given to administration 48 hours in advance and permission will be granted or denied based on the educational value of the visit.
- All visitors must have a visitor’s pass from the administration.
- No visitors within the last two weeks of any quarter.
- No visitors within a week of any breaks.
High School 9-12
All visitors, upon entering the building, are to check in via the secure entrance. Students wishing to bring friends or relatives from other schools must get permission in advance from an assistant principal. The purpose of a visitor’s pass is for a guest to visit our school and learn more about NHS. Visits to NHS should be limited to one visit during any school year. Students may not have visitors during the last two weeks of the semester or school year.
Last modified: June 21, 2023