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Attention :

Priority based budget reductions: The district shared the priority based budget reduction information with families on March 5. You can read the message and view the priority budget reduction recommendations here.

The district has also published an FAQ. This document will be updated as needed.

A community meeting for public input on the recommended reductions will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2025, from 6-8:30 pm, in the Northfield Middle School auditorium. Please note the date change; this meeting was initially scheduled for March 11.

Athletic & academic activities

Back to district wide handbook

Middle School 6-8

All students are encouraged to participate in the athletic/academic programs. Seventh and eighth grade athletic students compete against other schools. Sixth grade students are involved in intramural competition.

In individual competitions (i.e. track, tennis, etc.), opportunities may be given to sixth grade students to compete with other students of similar size, strength, ability, and age level.

In order for students to be allowed to participate in the Middle School Athletic/Academic Programs, parent/guardian consent along with the proper fee must be submitted. No other forms (physicals, etc.) are necessary to be able to compete in the Middle School Athletic/Academic Programs. Registration is done online at SmartSchool-K12.

District #659 Activities Fee Information 2023-2024 

  1. The following guidelines are for the use of scholarship/fee waivers for co-curricular programs offered through Northfield High School and Northfield Middle School. All students in items a & b below must qualify under the current school year’s Free or Reduced Meal Program guidelines administered by the school district Food Service Department.
  • Students who qualify for the Reduced Meal Program are required to pay 40% of the total cost of the activity.
  • Students who qualify for the Free Meal Program are required to pay 20% of the total cost of the activity for which they are enrolling.
  • Students who do not qualify for a Free or Reduced Meal Program, but who have a financial hardship must submit an application for a scholarship, and if granted are required to pay at least 20% toward the activity fee. A waiver form must be submitted for each activity, each season. Waiver Forms can be found on the School District Website or can be obtained by contacting the Middle School Activities Office.
  1. Fees must be paid BEFORE the student/athlete will be allowed to practice or play.
  2. Fees help cover costs of equipment, apparel, transportation, and officials. Fees are as follows.
Academic and Fine Arts Activities – Middle School
Full Fee – 100% Reduced Meal – 40% Free Meal – 20%
$60 $24 $12 Math League-Speech-Play/Musical-Knowledge Bowl


Family Limit – Includes High School and Middle School
Full Fee – 100% Reduced Meal – 40% Free Meal – 20%
$605 $242 $121 Athletics, Academic & Fine Arts Combined


Refunds are available if an athlete discontinues participation in the athletic program. The deadline for refunds is two weeks after the first practice session.

Activity Attendance Policy

Any middle school student missing two practices or contests because of an unexcused absence can be dismissed from the team. Any participant who is late for practice, or misses practice entirely, must give the coach a signed note from a parent/guardian or teacher prior to the absence, if possible, or upon return the next day.

Travel Release

All students are expected to ride to and from all events with the team. The only exceptions to this will be in special situations where the student rides with their parent(s)/guardian(s) or another parent/guardian. This will only be allowed with the written permission from the parent(s)/guardian(s) and activities director.

Co-Curricular Eligibility Requirements

The same behavioral expectations, which students have in the classroom, will also be in effect while participating in any activity. Behavior problems during the school day can result in losing the privilege of participating in co-curricular activities. Minnesota State High School League rules will be followed regarding training and violations; e.g., academic probation, the use of alcohol and drugs is prohibited. Possession or use of tobacco in any form on school property, in district buses or vehicles, or at district events is prohibited. Students who congregate in an area where smoking/vaping has recently occurred (bathroom stall, etc.) will each be considered smoking. This includes the use of e-cigarettes, vaping, any electronic nicotine delivery system, liquid nicotine and non-nicotine vaping products.

Northfield Middle School Athletic Activities Offered
Fall Sports Winter Sports Spring Sports
Football Wrestling Boys Tennis
Boys Soccer Fitness Center Boys Track
Girls Soccer Girls Track
Girls Tennis Fitness Center
Volleyball Boys Golf
Girls Golf

Game/contest & practice schedules will be handed out by coaches after practices begin. All activities will utilize Schoology to communicate with participants and parents/guardians.

Northfield Middle School Academic Activities Offered
Knowledge Bowl (September – January) Speech Club (December – February)
Math League (September – January) Spelling Bee (December – February)
Chamber Orchestra (auditions in September, runs October – May) Student Council (September – May)
Honors Choir (auditions in Spring) Yearbook (September – May)
Geography Bee (December)

Last modified:  June 16, 2023