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Bienvenidos a Northfield Public Schools!

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Attention :

We need your help! Join a priority-based budget team today. Like many other districts, we are making substantial budget reductions for the 2025-26 school year. We are committed to a transparent process. Click here to volunteer for one of the priority-based budget teams that will meet on Feb. 11, 18, and 25.

Elementary K-5


To receive referrals from any person who has identified a student as at-risk for academic, social, emotional, or behavioral problems. To initiate comprehensive and coordinated services for such students. To serve as a resource for families of those students and for the staff who work with them. To address appropriate program and policy issues, especially those related to students’ non-academic concerns (e.g. attendance, limited access, mandatory reporting).


  • To be an access point for concerned persons to refer at-risk students.
  • To assure that, within the team, the exchange of ideas and concerns will occur on an open, yet confidential, basis.
  • To determine appropriate resources for referred students and to develop an action plan to meet their needs.
  • To implement the action plan, provide feedback to the person who initiated the referral, and monitor follow-up.
  • To refer appropriate students to the Special Education Referral Review Team and provide the referral form to the regular education teacher.
  • To identify and address program and policy issues which affect the student group served by the team.


Principal, psychologist, social worker, special education teacher, referring person and nurse.

Middle School 6-8

The Student Support Office offers students an opportunity to receive assistance with academic and/or personal problems. Parents/guardians are also encouraged to call or set up an appointment with one of the counselors if they have academic or other concerns/questions about their student. Students are assigned to a counselor by alphabet. Please call our Student Support Office at 507-663-0664. Our Student Support Office Secretary will assist you in connecting with the appropriate staff member.

  • Students whose last name begins with A through He – Jenny Streefland
  • Students whose last name begins with Hi through Pa – Jenny Streefland
  • Students whose last name begins with Pe through Z – Cori Yamry
  • Social Worker – Heather Stanton-Ims
  • School Psychologist – Marcy Korynta

The Middle School offers a number of support groups for students. If students or parents/guardians would like more information about these or any other groups, please contact Student Support Services.

Last modified:  June 21, 2023