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Attention :

Priority based budget reductions: The district shared the priority based budget reduction information with families on March 5. You can read the message and view the priority budget reduction recommendations here.

The district has also published an FAQ. This document will be updated as needed.

A community meeting for public input on the recommended reductions will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2025, from 6-8:30 pm, in the Northfield Middle School auditorium. Please note the date change; this meeting was initially scheduled for March 11.

Elementary K-5


To receive referrals from any person who has identified a student as at-risk for academic, social, emotional, or behavioral problems. To initiate comprehensive and coordinated services for such students. To serve as a resource for families of those students and for the staff who work with them. To address appropriate program and policy issues, especially those related to students’ non-academic concerns (e.g. attendance, limited access, mandatory reporting).


  • To be an access point for concerned persons to refer at-risk students.
  • To assure that, within the team, the exchange of ideas and concerns will occur on an open, yet confidential, basis.
  • To determine appropriate resources for referred students and to develop an action plan to meet their needs.
  • To implement the action plan, provide feedback to the person who initiated the referral, and monitor follow-up.
  • To refer appropriate students to the Special Education Referral Review Team and provide the referral form to the regular education teacher.
  • To identify and address program and policy issues which affect the student group served by the team.


Principal, psychologist, social worker, special education teacher, referring person and nurse.

Middle School 6-8

The Student Support Office offers students an opportunity to receive assistance with academic and/or personal problems. Parents/guardians are also encouraged to call or set up an appointment with one of the counselors if they have academic or other concerns/questions about their student. Students are assigned to a counselor by alphabet. Please call our Student Support Office at 507-663-0664. Our Student Support Office Secretary will assist you in connecting with the appropriate staff member.

  • Students whose last name begins with A through He – Jenny Streefland
  • Students whose last name begins with Hi through Pa – Jenny Streefland
  • Students whose last name begins with Pe through Z – Cori Yamry
  • Social Worker – Heather Stanton-Ims
  • School Psychologist – Marcy Korynta

The Middle School offers a number of support groups for students. If students or parents/guardians would like more information about these or any other groups, please contact Student Support Services.

Last modified:  June 21, 2023