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Bienvenidos a Northfield Public Schools!

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Attention :

Priority based budget reductions: The district shared the priority based budget reduction information with families on March 5. You can read the message and view the priority budget reduction recommendations here.

The district has also published an FAQ. This document will be updated as needed.

A community meeting for public input on the recommended reductions will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2025, from 6-8:30 pm, in the Northfield Middle School auditorium. Please note the date change; this meeting was initially scheduled for March 11.

Weekly Influenza-Like Illness Rates

The influenza-like illness rate denotes the percentage of students absent due to symptoms consistent with influenza-like illnesses, including COVID-19. Influenza-like Illness (ILI) is defined as a fever of 100.0°F or greater and cough or sore throat (in the absence of a known disease other than influenza). This rate includes positive student COVID-19 cases. The last updated column indicates the last time the District made an update to the record. Influenza-like illness rates will be updated on Mondays during the school year and calculated as a weekly average for the previous week.

School Weekly Average
Student Influenza-Like Illness Rate
Last Updated
reporting period
Area Learning Center 0.00% 3/17 – 3/21
Bridgewater Elementary School 0.21% 3/17 – 3/21
Greenvale Park Elementary School 0.08% 3/17 – 3/21
Northfield Community Education Center 1.01% 3/17 – 3/21
Northfield High School 0.00% 3/17 – 3/21
Northfield Middle School 0.00% 3/17 – 3/21
Spring Creek Elementary School 0.67% 3/17 – 3/21