Dear Northfield School District Families:

I want to alert you to a school bus accident that occurred at 7:37 am. We are grateful that no students were injured. Here is what we know:

  • According to the Northfield Police Department, no students were injured in the accident.
  • Bus 13 was involved in an accident with another vehicle at the intersection of 8th and College Streets.
  • According to Benjamin Bus, there were middle school, high school, Arcadia, and Prairie Creek students on the bus at the time of the accident. Update: Three Spring Creek students were also on the bus.
  • The Northfield Police Department is investigating the accident.
  • Benjamin Bus is working to contact the families of students on the bus at the time.

We wanted you to be aware of this situation. Please contact Benjamin Bus or the Northfield Police Department with any questions.




Matt Hillmann, Ed.D.