***en Español***

Dear Northfield Public Schools Families:

I hope you are well. The purpose of this message is to provide another update on our budget prioritization process.

I have previously shared information about the need for the district to reduce its expenditures (Update Nos. 16, 1720, 22, 2425, 26, and 27.) by approximately $4.5 million over the next two years due to chronic state underfunding and projected declining enrollment of 400 students over the next ten years. Approximately 70 people participated in our budget prioritization teams this winter to help the district identify the programs and services that will best help us reach our strategic plan’s vision, commitments, and benchmarks. These program and service reductions are difficult because every program and service we offer has meaning to someone in the school district. The Board of Education will be asked to take action on the proposed budget and program reductions at its regular meeting on Monday night.

Reductions are painful because they impact our students, friends, and neighbors. However, we need to take action to maintain the district’s financial sustainability. You can read the most detail about the budget prioritization process and the proposed program and service reductions as part of District Family Update No. 26. You can also view an updated version of the budget plan document and corresponding proposed program reductions for the 2022-23 school year here. (This information is also part of the board packet.) We do not take these reductions lightly but also must articulate their necessity.

Please reach out to me directly if you have any questions or concerns about the budget prioritization process.



Matt Hillmann, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools