***en Español***

Dear Northfield Public Schools Families,

I am writing tonight to proactively address questions about the district’s masking requirements following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) announcement that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a face mask and Governor Walz’s announcement of a forthcoming repeal of Minnesota’s mask mandate.

While this is good news about our progress toward defeating COVID-19, the updates were abrupt. We are still learning the details of these latest changes. For Friday, May 14, we will continue to follow our existing face mask rules. We need to take the time to understand how the changes will impact our operations and the collective health of our school community. We will communicate again with you as soon as we know how these changes affect our schools.

Once again, I must thank you in advance for your patience, understanding, and forgiveness as we adjust again to the ever-changing pandemic landscape.



Matt Hillmann, Ed.D.