***en Español***

Dear Northfield Public Schools Families:

Thank you for your steadfast support as we work through this abnormal time together. I hope this message finds your family healthy and safe. Today’s update includes a review of the recent parent survey, a reminder about next week’s election, and a reminder about how we have changed our communication procedures when there is a laboratory-positive COVID-19 case at Northfield Public Schools.

Parent Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete our recent parent survey. There were  1,167 submissions for the parent survey. The results are listed below. Both district and building-level administrators have read every comment.


Average Score
(five-point scale)

“Agree or “Strongly Agree”

1. I am confident that my child’s school is handling the COVID-19 challenge to keep my child safe.



2. I am confident that my child’s school is focused on the social emotional well-being of my child.



3. I have the resources needed to help my child learn.



4. I have access to my child’s teacher(s) when needed.



5. I receive feedback from my child’s teacher(s) about my child’s learning progress.



6. I am confident that my child will not fall behind in school.



7. I receive timely communication on changes that occur at my child’s school.



Thank you for your positive feedback about our efforts to keep your child safe and for your positive feedback about our communication efforts. We are taking your feedback and creating action steps to address your concerns. One example: please watch your email for a series of district-wide parent webinars. The webinars will support families with resources and tips to ensure your student stays on track for academic success during the pandemic.

Election Day

Please remember to vote next Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020. If you need help finding your polling place, you can use the Secretary of State’s website to locate it. The great suffragist Susan B. Anthony said: “Someone struggled for your right to vote. Use it.”

We must also acknowledge that it has been a contentious election. Some of us will be pleased with the results of the election and some of us will not. That is reality.

Whatever the outcome, we must remember these three things:

  • We are all human beings, deserving of respect and dignity.
  • Our children are watching and listening. What we say and do matters.
  • The physical and social/emotional well-being of every student is our top priority.

Regardless of the outcome of the election, I expect that our school community will act respectfully. Our students may have questions, which staff will do their best to address in as objective of a manner as possible. As adults, it is our responsibility to model what it means to be part of a democratic republic for our children. Thank you in advance for your participation in the election and your support of our American democracy.

Reminders: change in COVID-19 notifications and learning model selection

Please review the information I sent as part of 2020-21 Update No. 5 about the change in the way we communicate about laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases in our school community. The update also included information about the data used to make decisions about changing learning models. You should have received our first weekly COVID-19 report earlier today.

We must recommit to the standard safety protocols to slow the spread of the virus. As winter approaches, we are at risk for greater transmission of COVID-19.  If we want students to remain in school, we need to wear a face mask in public, wash hands frequently with hot water and soap, maintain six-feet of physical distancing, stay home when sick, get tested for COVID-19 if you are experiencing the associated symptoms, and avoid large gatherings. It is up to us to follow these protocols for the greater good of our community AND to keep students in school.

Thank you

Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation. I appreciate our community more than I can adequately articulate. I am proud to work and live here with all of you. Have a great weekend.

Most sincerely,


Matt Hillmann, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools