The Community Services summer brochure will arrive in mailboxes this weekend, and registration for summer classes opens Friday, April 15.
Summer brings a variety of swimming classes, as well as camps for a range of ages. Young children (ages 3 – 5) can visit the Wild, Wild West or go on Super Safari, while KidVentures has enrichment and recreation opportunities for kids entering grades 1 – 4 and tweens (grades 5 – 7).
Youth can get outside with baseball, softball, tennis or Ultimate Frisbee Camp, or learn to ride and care for horses. Other highlights:
Adventure Mania is back with a new Stillwater Segway Tour, plus rafting and outdoor rock climbing.
- Youth ages 8 and older can “learn to fly” with a new Balancing Buddies class.
- Art and science classes for youth include drawing, painting, clay camps, theater workshops, beading, baking, chess, rocketry, Mad Science Forensic Lab, and more.
- The Youth Enrichment League has expanded fencing classes for adults.
Adults can check out new recreation, health, organization and cooking classes. For example, learn to:
- live with less, de-clutter and get organized.
- navigate finances as a couple.
- cook to apply “clean eating” principals.
- grow, harvest and prepare fresh herbs.
Unique community events are also published in the brochure. Browse to read more about:
- a free skateboarding clinic & demonstration on Saturday, June 18.
- interactive lessons and games at the Northfield Safety Camp.
- bookmobile entertainment events with Books & Stars.
- the third annual Sports Special Sale fundraiser.
Visit Community Services or call 507.664.3649 for more information.
Northfield Public Schools Community Services includes recreation and enrichment programming, Early Childhood Family Education, driver education, KidVentures, EarlyVentures Learning Center, Connected Kids, Middle School Youth Center, Hand in Hand Preschool, Adult Basic Education and Project ABLE.