Northfield Public Schools Targeted Services coordinates two summer programs to help boost success for K – 12 students.Interested parents and students can look for registration and contact information at the end of each program description below.

Summer PLUS 2012

Summer PLUS offers structured, supervised activities for youth completing grades K – 8. Licensed teachers lead programming that includes fun, hands-on activities that strengthen reading, math and social skills. Afternoon recreation opportunities will include sports, arts and crafts, music, swimming, guest speakers, and more. The program is offered at no cost to students and includes lunch and two snacks. Transportation will be provided with pick-up/drop-off locations to be determined.

Grades: K – 8
Dates:  June 18 – July 26
Days/Time:  Monday – Thursday, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Location:  Northfield Middle School
Registration:  By teacher referral only
For more information contact Patricia Parlin at 507.645.1223.

High School Summer School 2012

High school summer school gives students the opportunity to make up missed credits from the regular school year in core academic areas. Course offerings are dependent upon the number of students enrolled. Students must register for session 1 first, and if there is sufficient enrollment a second session will be offered. Successful completion of a session is worth 0.5 semester credits. To receive credit for a class, students must attend all class sessions and complete all homework assignments. Students and families are responsible for transportation to and from classes.

Grades: 9 – 12
Credit recovery in:  English, social studies, math, and science
Session#1:  June 11 – 28
Session#2:  July 9 – 26
Days/Time:  Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Location:  Longfellow School – 2nd floor
Registration:  Northfield High School Guidance Office or Area Learning Center
For more information contact Patricia Parlin at 507.645.1201.